Utilizing Meat In Your Recipes

4 Benefits Of Purchasing Whole Bean Coffee

by Levi Ortiz

If you drink coffee and want to get the best coffee experience possible, you will want to consider purchasing whole bean coffee. Whole bean coffee offers different benefits over pre-ground coffee, which has been ground up for you. With whole bean coffee, you are responsible for grinding the beans just before you use it.

Benefit #1: Customize the Grind

When you buy pre-ground coffee, you have to like the way that the coffee maker grinds the coffee. When you purchase whole bean coffee, you grind up the beans before you brew your coffee. This allows you to customize the way that your beans are ground. You can grind the beans to the texture that you enjoy. You can also ensure that once the beans are ground, they are brewed right away and are not exposed to moisture, oxygen, and other elements that can alter the taste of the coffee. You can customize the grind, so it is just how you like it.

Benefit #2: Super Fresh Taste

When you purchase pre-ground or freeze-dried coffee, the coffee has to go through some processes to be preserved and enjoyed by you later. When you purchase whole bean coffee, the only thing that has happened to the bean is that it has been dried and roasted; there are no preservatives added to the coffee. You are getting the real thing in its purest form. You will be getting to enjoy a cup of coffee that tastes just about as fresh as it can get.

Benefit #3: Lots of Variety

When it comes to pre-ground coffee, the choices are often limited and focused on the most popular and affordable coffee beans. With whole bean coffee, you have access to a wide range of beans. You can purchase beans from different parts of the world, such as Colombian whole bean coffee, and you can purchase beans from smaller farmers and suppliers that just sell beans but don't sell pre-ground coffee. When you stick to whole beans for your coffee, you will have a wider variety to choose from, which will allow you to find a taste you really love.

Benefit #4: Long Shelf Life

When it comes to pre-ground coffee, as the beans have already been ground up, they will only taste good for so long, so you need to use them up promptly. With coffee beans, you don't have the same time restrictions. You can keep coffee beans on your shelf for much longer than ground coffee, which gives you more time to enjoy the beans after you purchase them.

When it comes to purchasing coffee, you will want to stick with whole bean coffee if you want to customize the grind, enjoy super fresh-tasting coffee, and have a wide variety of beans to choose from that have a long shelf life.  
